Strict Publishing International "Rodzo's Torment" is not currently available because of problems with the formatting of Rodzo's pictures for some ebook readers. We're working on it... All other books are available from Running Wolf Books and most are also available from other online booksellers including Adult eBookshop, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad
"Rodzo's Torment" Anyone who has "met" Rodzo on the Internet will know just how tormented he is. So Strict Publishing International is delighted to be able to present "Rodzo’s Torment" – twelve short stories by Susan Strict brought to life by Rodzo’s incomparable illustrations. Quite how the women in Rodzo’s pictures managed to persuade or force their men into those restraints is a mystery known only to the women themselves, to those men, and possibly to Rodzo. Whether Susan Strict’s interpretation of the events is based on true accounts of what really happened in each case is, also, something at which we can only guess. The rumours that one or more of the powerful women in those illustrations is in fact Ms Strict herself are, probably, no more than rumours. But one never knows for sure... Click the picture of the book cover for more details, extracts, and purchasing information |
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