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Strict Publishing International

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Books by Freddie Clegg
"An Office Tale"
An Office Tale by Freddie Clegg

Mr Lewis is an office manager with an eye for the ladies. In fact, he as so much of an eye for the ladies that many of the young women in his office consider his behaviour to be nothing short of harassment. He carries on regardless, until he makes the mistake of employing Jennifer who is not slow to start to show him the error of his ways. Mr Lewis’s particular preferences for Internet viewing soon provide Jennifer with the ammunition she needs for a little blackmail, and Mr Lewis finds himself at her mercy in more ways than one – and Jennifer is not inclined to be particularly merciful!

This first e-book by Freddie Clegg is not only a cautionary tale for men with an urge to harass the women at work, but may prove to be more than a little instructive for any woman being harassed. As the principal character, Mr Lewis, finds himself sliding further and further under Jennifer’s control, her own particular sexual tastes and those of some of the other women in the office begin to come to the surface, with unfortunate consequences for Mr Lewis.

Click the picture of the book cover for more details, extracts, and purchasing information


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Other authors published by 
Strict Publishing International:
Roger Beresford
Alex Binney
John Borrow
Sean Brandywine
Robert Bresloff
Lindsey Brooks
Grendel Butler
Freddie Clegg
Greg Cline
Alexandra Cole
Maxwell Crush
Joe DeMonte
Dr David Edwards
Dr Jane Foxx
Stella Fyre
Shiloh Garnett
Miles Goodenuff
A D Graham
Eddie Heaton
Dr Harry H Hovis
Mason Jarre
Miriam Jewell
Ian Johnstone
Thomas Kennedy
Julieanne Lynch
AP Miller
David Pearson
Allan T Price
Candace Rice
Guy B Rogers
Ronal Rorcy
John Savage
Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt
Clare Seven
Al Slippers
Candace Smith
Tanya Snegirova
Mark Stephens
Susan Strict
C E Turner
Thomas Weaver
Mason Wheeler
Fred Williams

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