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Published by
Strict Publishing International

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Books by Grendel Butler

Grendel Butler writes tales of fully rounded flesh-and-blood women, generally in the BDSM genre.

He is not attracted to the stereotyped helpless slave girl. He likes his women strong, resourceful, and complex. Even when cast in the sub role, they seek their own ends by manipulative means, using sex, guile, and submission itself as their weapons. Whether they’re being pleasured in the bedroom or tortured in the dungeon they’re thinking a step ahead. They don’t confuse love with sex, nor mastery with mere brutality. You will require wits as well as whips to dominate them.

Sherlock Holmes and The Case of The Spanking Dervish by Grendel Butler             Lust, Blackmail and The Whip by Grendel Butler

Sins of the Flesh by Grendel Butler

    Submission Seeker by Grendel Butler              Paradise - A Victorian Adventure by Grendel Butler

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Books by Grendel Butler:
Lust, Blackmail and The Whip
Paradise - A Victorian Adventure
Sherlock Holmes & The Case of The Spanking Dervish
Sins of the Flesh
Submission Seeker

Other authors published by 
Strict Publishing International:
Roger Beresford
Alex Binney
John Borrow
Sean Brandywine
Robert Bresloff
Lindsey Brooks
Grendel Butler
Freddie Clegg
Greg Cline
Alexandra Cole
Maxwell Crush
Joe DeMonte
Dr David Edwards
Dr Jane Foxx
Stella Fyre
Shiloh Garnett
Miles Goodenuff
A D Graham
Eddie Heaton
Dr Harry H Hovis
Mason Jarre
Miriam Jewell
Ian Johnstone
Thomas Kennedy
Julieanne Lynch
AP Miller
David Pearson
Allan T Price
Candace Rice
Guy B Rogers
Ronal Rorcy
John Savage
Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt
Clare Seven
Al Slippers
Candace Smith
Tanya Snegirova
Mark Stephens
Susan Strict
C E Turner
Thomas Weaver
Mason Wheeler
Fred Williams

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