Strict Publishing International All books are available from Smashwords, and most are also available from other online booksellers including Adult eBookshop, Barnes & Noble, Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad Imprisoned far from each other in the remote mountains of India, both Kate and Julia are suffering the pain and indignity of being trained as slave-concubines. Julia is horrified as much by her body's arousal as by the treatment she receives from Jahngir Khan, and more so by the arousal she experiences when one of Jahngir's concubines is instructed to pleasure her. Kate's position is somewhat worse, as she suffers punishment from Ross for trying to escape and threatening him with a gun. Worse still, bound and left alone by Ross as part of her punishment, the sadistic Jefferson finds her and decides to administer a severe flogging. Meanwhile, Penelope Winter is still in search of the two girls, and forced into acts of ever-increasing depravity by the officials she goes to for help, British and Indian alike.
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