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Strict Publishing International
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New March
Fantasies Incorporated can provide whatever fantasy you desire. Just select from hundreds of pre-programmed fantasies, lie on a couch while the technicians attach the electrodes to you head, and the fantasy that follows will be indistinguishable from reality. Everything: sight, hearing, smelling and even tasting, will be exactly the same as reality, and yet your fantasy is perfectly safe, with no after-effects, no damage – however painful the fantasy might have seemed at the time – and no harm caused to anyone.
You could ski down a steep mountain, climb to the highest peaks, walk on Mars, win the lottery… and yet the most popular fantasies sold by Fantasies Inc., are, for some strange reason, the sexual ones. And, perhaps not so strangely, the most popular of the sexual fantasies are those that cannot so easily be experienced in real life, particularly those involving activities that might be difficult or embarrassing to do for real.
For Ellen, a newspaper reporter sent to research and write an article about Fantasies Inc., it is a whole new experience, awakening the submissive side of her sexuality that she had hardly realized existed.
But not everyone is happy with this new toy. There are those believe these sexual fantasies are sinful and should be eliminated at all costs. In fact, they believe it so strongly that they will go to any lengths to destroy Fantasies Inc., and it is not long before they decide to target the young woman who wrote the newspaper article praising this ‘work of the Devil’…
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